Monday, March 18, 2013

BWSSB Transfer process - Bengaluru Karnataka India

 Please find below a sample affidavit for BWSSB purpose. What you need to do next:

1.       Fill in the blanks, do any minor edits as applicable for you. Also write a simple letter for transfer of the said connection.
2.       Purchase an e-stamp paper for the minimum amount (Rs. 20 or Rs. 50).
3.       Get a computer printout of the document on the e-stamp paper.
4.       Sign the document at DEPONENT.
5.       Go to any Notary and get it attested.

That’s it. Pay transfer money(Around Rs.250/- in Jan 2013) at the BWSSB office (with receipt). Take a photocopy of the request letter for the transfer and get it signed/sealed as acknowledgement. Follow up after two weeks.

Thats all !!!




I, ____________________, aged ___ years, residing at ______________________________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows.

I submit that I am the absolute owner of the above property, purchased/acquired by me, through a registered Sale Deed dated ______________ (photocopy enclosed).

That the water supply and sanitary connection bearing RR No. ______________ still stands in the name of the previous owner, namely Sri. ____________.

I request that the concerned BWSSB authorities, i.e. _______ sub-division, BWSSB, Bangalore accept this affidavit and transfer the said water supply and sanitary connection to my name.

In this regard, in future, if any claims, litigation, court case arise with respect to this water supply and sanitary connection, I will be held responsible for the same.

What is stated above is true and correct.

Place: _________
Date: __________




Musafir said...

Thanks So much for this detailed information . Very usefull

RAO said...

Hare Shreenivasa
Dear Sir,
Can I get some personal assistance in getting the trnsfer of khata, name transfer in KEB.
I am a senior citizen with some handicap of hearing etc. recently my daughter purchased a house in Bengaluru and she is not here.
Any citizen forum which can render help in person. kindly reply to or call 924246688
Inthee nimmava
With Regards

Niranjan said...

you dont need to pay money for this.

refer to following link:


Niranjan said...

you dont need to pay money for this service. plz refer to following link


DarshInteract said...

thank you very much this is exactly what i did today and to my surprise was able to do it one shot with in 20 minutes. sad part is they have asked 500 :(

Unknown said...

Thank you for the draft. I just applied for a change in ownership. Used the same affidavit and submitted a copy. They charged a fees of Rs 250. Im expecting the next bill to have the amended details.

Unknown said...

Hi, SOme one can help me here for BWSSB transfer?

what is the purpose that shhould be mentioned in the e-Stamp paper?
who would be the first party ?
Are we allowed to take print on back of the estamp?
Do we need any letter from the previous owner ?

Appreciate your quick help

Madhavarao said...

what is the purpose that shhould be mentioned in the e-Stamp paper?
Ans: looks like this question is asked when they are giving stamp paper correct? if yes then say for Meter Transfer BWSSB.

who would be the first party ?
Ans: Previous owner will be first party always

Are we allowed to take print on back of the estamp?
Ans: Of course this is fine. Else take 2 rupees stamp paper on which you can take print out. I recommend taking 2 rupees stamp and print on it.

Do we need any letter from the previous owner ?
Not needed any documents apart from what is mentioned in the blog as per process that i carried out 4 years back. I dont know if some things changed. But khata transfer and extracts itself will tell that previous owner has sold house to you. enough in my opinion

Unknown said...

Thanks Madhava.. Really commendable.. Let me update you. Bwssb office ppl have asked me to get khata transferred on my name first before applying ( sake deed alone is not sufficient).I 'm expecting khata transfer to complete by 25th Dec. Soon after I receive khata and extract, I will rush into BWSSB office

Madhavarao said...

Yes, Khata Extract is needed for BWSSB transfer process..

sreejithbloggs said...

Sale Deed, Affidavit,Latest Tax paid receipt, Latest bill, A letter requesting for name transfer . once we have all these documents, please visit the sub division office.

sreejithbloggs said...

Khatha extract also

H said...

Thanks for the detils,

Should we get sale deed and Katha both attested by Notary ?

Madhavarao said...

No Notary not required.

DEEPAK G N said...

Very helpful. I am submitting the said documents today.

Anjan said...

Thank you Sri. Madhava, your template of Affidavit was very useful. Bcoz Notary asked Rs.200/- for full package of Affidavit and im able to do with Rs.70/-

Shambhu Kumar said...

In my point of view, this is really very well and informative content provided about BWSSB Transfer process - Bengaluru Karnataka India. Thanks for given this information here about this blog.
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Unknown said...

I have been purchased a property I have to change the name in BESCOM and bwssb,but this is in the first owners name I am the third owner the second owner has not transfer anything to her name what is the way to transfer to my name.

MK said...

Hello Sir/Madam,

Even I had the same issue (infact I was the 4th owner without name transfer!). But no need to worry. You have to submit copy of all the earlier saledeeds along with the documents mentioned above. I had submitted last month and the name change done this month.

I had spent 276/- (Challen: 250/-, challen : 20/-, affidavit printout 6/-) to get all these...
Hope this helps...

Unknown said...

We had purchased the property in joint names - myself and my dad's name. My dad expired and I had to change the name on the bill. I have got my khata extract and khata certificate changed to my name and my mother's name . What would be the documents required. Do we really need to change the sale deed as well???

Moncy said...

Hi.we had purchased a plot in jp nagar.still bwssb bill is coming in old owners name.. Prepared all documents and applied for name change. Now they are asking for khatha extract. I have khatha issued manualy. Can someone help me.

Moncy said...

My khatha is issued can i get khatha extract..

Yash Pal said...

I tried to open the page; This is what I got 3 times:
Page not found
The requested page could not be found.
Probably the site was harmful to the BWSSB staffs' interests.

Ambika said...

Any updates on this? I am also in a similar situation.

Yuvvi said...

Hello Madhava Sir,
I'm planning to convert a part of my area into commercial use which will have a bathroom for which I have few doubts.
Will I have to convert the entire bill into commercial or only the area I'm using?
What would the commercial tariff be?

Madhavarao said...

i am not sure about it. Sorry. May be just enquire and please update your comment if you get an answer please

Yuvvi said...

Sure Sir.
Thank You.

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
is this can be done for B-Katha also.

Sowmyan said...

This pertains to your answer on 2 Dec 2015 at 7:39 pm. The proposed affidavit says words to the effect, "I am the current owner...", The connection is still in the name of previous owner.." etc etc Then how can the stamp paper be in the name of the previous owner. This affidavit is apparently from the new owner as first party and given to BWSSB as the second party. Pls review and correct if you think I am right. I hate to see an otherwise good and informative blog being ambiguous to some people like me in one point.

Unknown said...

Dear Madhav Sir, I recently purchased house in Mysore and want to transfer the water meter on my now. Could you please help me with the process.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Sir, people like you are asset to society

Unknown said...

Good information, applied for name transfer with 250 payment with bwssb and followed above process

Vikky said...

Hi sir I have purchase recent a property in that water connection is in half domestic and half commercial the bill is coming too much what will I do please suggest me thank

Anonymous said...

how to take BWSSB connetion

Unknown said...

The Water Connection is Still in the Previous Owner Name Since 22 Years ,Since they have Shifted to Another Place and Cannot be traced.How to transfer the Water Meter to My Name as New Owner Please?

Unknown said...

V good information. A responsible citizen like u is an asset to society.

Unknown said...

Hi ... Recently I have purchased the house in Bangalore.. Can someone tell me how to transfer the A Khata certificate and Property tax. wat all are the documents required to do the same?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much. This was really helpful information.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! This was very helpful!

Anonymous said...

It's such a nice post,
This blog is very helpful and we can take lots of ideas,
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